Proteção e Segurança

Equipe experiente para intermediar apólices e regular sinistros, protegendo seus bens e renda.

Nossos Serviços

Oferecemos soluções completas em seguros para proteger seus bens e garantir sua tranquilidade.

Seguros Patrimoniais

Protegemos seu patrimônio contra riscos, garantindo segurança e tranquilidade para você e sua empresa.

A tall, modern office building with a beige facade, rectangular windows, and multiple stories. The structure features an attached smaller building with large glass panels. Several flagpoles are in front, and two people are walking along a pathway at the building's base. The name 'ERGO' is visible on the building.
A tall, modern office building with a beige facade, rectangular windows, and multiple stories. The structure features an attached smaller building with large glass panels. Several flagpoles are in front, and two people are walking along a pathway at the building's base. The name 'ERGO' is visible on the building.
Seguros de Vida

Oferecemos planos de seguros de vida que asseguram o futuro e a proteção de sua família.

Atuamos em diversas áreas, incluindo responsabilidade civil, riscos cibernéticos e garantias contratuais.

Consultoria Especializada
A tall building with an intricate architectural design and a large advertisement painted on one of its walls for the Commercial Union Assurance Company. The facade features numerous windows in a symmetrical pattern, and the structure has a historic, early 20th-century appearance.
A tall building with an intricate architectural design and a large advertisement painted on one of its walls for the Commercial Union Assurance Company. The facade features numerous windows in a symmetrical pattern, and the structure has a historic, early 20th-century appearance.
A pedestrian bridge with a glass railing overlooks a multi-lane road. Below, there's a green and white city bus and a yellow car on the road. On the opposite side, there are tall office buildings with logos including 'BNP Paribas', 'Intermark', and 'J.P. Morgan'. Trees line the sidewalk, and there is a large blue advertisement featuring images of people in motion.
A pedestrian bridge with a glass railing overlooks a multi-lane road. Below, there's a green and white city bus and a yellow car on the road. On the opposite side, there are tall office buildings with logos including 'BNP Paribas', 'Intermark', and 'J.P. Morgan'. Trees line the sidewalk, and there is a large blue advertisement featuring images of people in motion.

Seguros e Proteção

Protegemos seus bens e renda com expertise e dedicação.

A large, modern office building with multiple floors and a predominantly glass facade. The building features the logo 'BCI' prominently on its exterior. The sky is a clear, bright blue, and there are some trees visible to the right of the structure.
A large, modern office building with multiple floors and a predominantly glass facade. The building features the logo 'BCI' prominently on its exterior. The sky is a clear, bright blue, and there are some trees visible to the right of the structure.
Responsabilidade Civil

Cobertura para danos a terceiros e proteção legal.

A bustling exhibition hall filled with people attending a financial conference or trade event. Prominent displays and booths from companies like Scope Markets, Daman Markets, and Hantec Markets are visible. Attendees are engaged in conversations, networking, and exploring the offerings and information provided by the exhibitors.
A bustling exhibition hall filled with people attending a financial conference or trade event. Prominent displays and booths from companies like Scope Markets, Daman Markets, and Hantec Markets are visible. Attendees are engaged in conversations, networking, and exploring the offerings and information provided by the exhibitors.
Riscos Cibernéticos

Proteção contra ameaças digitais e segurança online.

A modern office building with a geometric, pyramid-shaped top. The architecture features reflective glass windows and a beige stone exterior. The name 'Mutua Madrileña' is displayed near the top.
A modern office building with a geometric, pyramid-shaped top. The architecture features reflective glass windows and a beige stone exterior. The name 'Mutua Madrileña' is displayed near the top.
A tall beige building with rectangular windows and a large 'BCI' logo with a leaf symbol on the side. The building is set against a clear blue sky with some trees visible at the bottom right corner.
A tall beige building with rectangular windows and a large 'BCI' logo with a leaf symbol on the side. The building is set against a clear blue sky with some trees visible at the bottom right corner.
Vida e Benefícios

Planos de seguros para garantir seu futuro e bem-estar.

Transporte Seguro

Cobertura para transporte de bens e segurança logística.